A Bizarre Fanon Wiki

“Today's broadcast!” - M.I.T[]


Like the stand Super Fly the stand takes the appearance of a existing object, a giant radio tower that shows up wherever the user goes, unlike Super Fly however Non-Stand users cannot see the tower, making it impossible to point out.


The stand is automatically turned once a day activating it's abilities. The user can also choose when this happens but is not aware of the events that the said activation will bring.

The stand will appear even if the user is unconscious, sleeping or doing anything else that would normally make someones ability turn off but for the Tower to actually appear in any area the user must stay there for at least 24 hours.


Incident Broadcasts[]

On a daily basis, the Tower will broadcast a random event with the only people being able to hear this being the people going to be affected and any stand user present. After 30 minutes of it being said the event will take place.

All the events have the common usage of two abilities:

  • Logic Distortion (Defying what should be logically possible)
  • Causality Manipulation (allowing them to decide what happens and what doesn't, when and how. There is no need for a "why" )

These events are all seemingly random in who are affected but will never target the same group of people twice and the supernatural happenings that take place will only be able to seen by those who are currently being affected, whether they currently be a stand user or not, though it's very common for the events to cause people with the potential to develop stands awaken them.

Musical Reference[]


The Caretaker - Misplaced in time
